Items to Complete Last updated: April 2024 (v2.13)

The Nabu Pro platform automatically sends email notifications to remind users about their items to complete.

Email Notification References :

Notification Trigger Event
Reminder for items to complete
  • Weekly summary email every Monday listing items to do within the next 30 days.
  • The day an item becomes available.
  • 4 days before the eligibility expires.
  • 2 days before the eligibility expires.
  • 1 day before the eligibility expires.
  • The day the eligibility expires.


The dashboard page allows a user to browse through all the items he has to complete: trainings to do, external trainings or documents to submit, and memos to read.

The page shows a list of the items that must be completed in order for the user to become eligible.

  • Items in light blue are trainings that were started but not yet completed.
  • Items in red are overdue.
  • Items in yellow are expiring within the next 7 days.
  • Items in grey are to be completed in more than 7 days.

Important Symbols :

  • training icon : Indicates an internal training.
  • external training icon : Indicates an external training.
  • document icon : Indicates a document.
  • memo icon : Indicates a memo.

Each item has an action button and the behaviour depends on the type :


  • If you see an item in your list with a button labelled PREREQS - this means that you have prerequisite items that must be completed before you can access it.
  • If you have an urgent memo assigned, it will appear first in your list of items to complete. You will not be able to access your other items to complete until all urgent memos have been read.


Dashboard (Side Menu)

Completing an Internal Training

To access and complete your assigned internal trainings, navigate to your platform's Dashboard. You can find your items available to complete in the list presented below your status indicators and filter fields.

In this list, you can identify the internal trainings assigned to you by looking for the internal training icon training icon located besides the item's title. The green buttons used to start your internal trainings are marked with the label Start. Click on the button to begin an internal training.

Theory Section

If your internal training includes a theory section, starting the training will open a new window presenting the course's content.

The content of the course is displayed in the main window of this page, showing one slide at a time. You will find relevant information and your navigation buttons at the top of the side menu, located on the left-side of the page. If the course contains reference material, you will find a button to access it located below. You can also save your progress at any time if you wish to finish later by clicking on the Save and Leave button, located at the bottom of the side menu.

Some slides may also include additional media to consult. The links to access these files or hyperlinks are located above the presentation window, when applicable.


Pay attention to the field Time left in the side menu. Your supervisors can set a minimum time that you must spend on each slide during the theory section of the training. If that is the case, your navigation buttons will not become visible until you have spent the required time on this slide.

Exam Section

After completing the theory section of your training, or if the training is an exam only, you can begin the exam section of the training.


The slides are no longer accessible during the exam.

A new window will open for you to complete the exam. You are presented one question at a time, along with some multiple choice answers to choose from. You can only select a single answer to submit for each question.

After submitting your answer, the application instantly provides you with a confirmation if you selected the correct answer. Otherwise, you will see both your wrong selection and the correct answer. In some cases, your supervisor may also provide a reference for the correct answer, which displays the relevant slide from the presentation for you to review.

After completing the exam, you will see a short report summarizing your results. A notification message at the top of the window will let you know if you have successfully passed the exam or not.


If a user fails the exam, he is given one additional chance to redo the exam without having to go through the theory section again, if any.


Dashboard (Side Menu) > Start an internal training

Submit an External Training or Document

To access and submit your assigned external trainings and documents, navigate to your platform's Dashboard. You can find your items available to complete in the list presented below your status indicators and filter fields.

In this list, you can identify the external trainings and documents assigned to you by looking for the external training external training icon or document document icon icons located besides the item's title. The green buttons used to submit your external trainings and documents are marked with the label Submit. Click on this to access the item's approval request page.

This window allows the user to submit a certification for an external training or a completed document. Enter the date at which it was completed and upload your certification file.


  • For external trainings, you must enter the duration as well.
  • For items with a predefined date expiration type, you must also enter the expiration date.
  • If you do not have any certification file to submit, you are required to enter a note explaining the details of your certification.

Upon submission, an email notification is sent to the supervisor. As long as the request is not approved, the user can access this page to modify the request. To do so, go back to your Dashboard and navigate to the item awaiting approval. You will find that the green button now indicates Review ; Click on it to go back to the approval request page and edit your request.

Update a declined attempt

If the request is declined by the supervisor, the decline message will be displayed on this page. Once again, you can navigate back to the approval request page by going to your Dashboard and navigating to the declined item. You will see that the green button now indicates Update ; Click on it to go back to the approval request page.

The decline message from your supervisor will appear at the top of the window, explaining why the request was rejected. Take this information into consideration as you modify your request, and then save to confirm the changes.


Dashboard (Side Menu) > Select an external training or document

Read Memo

To access and read your assigned memos, navigate to your platform's Dashboard. You can find your items available to complete in the list presented below your status indicators and filter fields.

In this list, you can identify the memos assigned to you by looking for the memo icon memo icon located besides the item's title. The green buttons used to read your memos are marked with the label Read. Click on this to access the memo's page.

The Memo page allows the user to read the contents of the memo. You can also view and download any attachments included with the memo.


To properly attest that you have fully taken knowledge of the content of the memo, you must check the confirmation box and provide the correct answer to all validation questions before you click on Submit. If you did not answer all questions correctly, you will need to wait one minute before being able to try to submit again.


Dashboard (Side Menu) > Select a memo

Trainings History

To access the Trainings History Page, click on Trainings in the left navigation menu.

This page lists all your assigned internal and external trainings. A summary of your current eligibility status for your trainings is also presented.

To access your attempts history for a specific training or to view its information, click on the training's title.


Trainings (Side Menu)

Internal Training History

The page presents the internal training's information and compliance history.

Your eligibility summary for the internal training is presented first in the General tab, along with its comments, if any. Click on the Attachments tab to view or download files that were made available with the training. Go to the Prerequisites tab to see the list of prerequisite items for this training and the list of items for which this training is a prerequisite.

The user has access to a history of his compliance records, presented in the table below.

Important Symbols:

  • Eligible : Indicates an attempt that was successfully passed.
  • Expired : Indicates an attempt that was failed.
  • Indicates An Invalidated : Indicates an attempt that was invalidated by a supervisor. You can click on the icon to view the note left by your supervisor for more information.
  • Download Certificate : Button to generate your certificate of completion for the training.


If the certificate download button is greyed-out (No Instructor), this indicates that there is no instructor assigned to the training. Certificates can only be generated when an instructor is assigned, since a signature is required. If you encounter this problem, advise your supervisor.

Training Preview

For some trainings, your supervisor may allow you to review the contents of the theory section once the training was successfully completed. When available, you can access the course slides by clicking on the LAUNCH button, which will appear next to the training's type in the General tab of the Information section at the top of the page.


  • You can directly select which slide you want to see in the theory preview mode.
  • You can deactivate the slide media autoplay by checking the box under the navigation buttons.
  • It is not possible to access the training's exam during a preview.


Trainings (Side Menu) > Select an internal training

External Training History

The page presents the external training's information and history.

Your eligibility summary for the external training is presented first in the general tab, along with its comments, if any. Click on the Attachments tab to view or download files that were made available with the training. Go to the Prerequisites tab to see the list of prerequisite items for this training and the list of items for which this training is a prerequisite.

The user has access to a history of his attempts, presented in the table below.

Important Symbols:

  • Eligible : Indicates an attempt that was successfully passed and approved by a supervisor.
  • Indicates An Review : Indicates an attempt that was submitted and is still awaiting approval from a supervisor. Click on the link located at the top of the window to review your request.
  • Declined : Indicates an attempt that was declined by a supervisor. Click on the link located at the top of the window to update your request.
  • Indicates An Invalidated : Indicates an attempt that was invalidated by a supervisor. You can click on the icon to view the note left by your supervisor for more information.
  • View Note : Button to view the note that was left with your submission request, if any.
  • Download Certificate : Button to download a copy of the certificate you included with your submission request, if any.


If you have an approval request currently pending, or if your request was declined, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click on the link in the message to access the page to modify the submission.


Trainings (Side Menu) > Select an external training

Documents History

To access the Documents History Page, click on Documents in the left navigation menu.

This page lists all your assigned documents. A summary of your current eligibility status for documents is also presented.

To access your attempts history for a specific document or to view its information, click on the document's title.


Documents (Side Menu)

Document History

The page presents the document's information and history.

Your eligibility summary for the document is presented first in the general tab, along with its comments, if any. Click on the Attachments tab to view or download files that were made available with the document. Go to the Prerequisites tab to see the list of prerequisite items for this document and the list of items for which this document is a prerequisite.

The user has access to a history of his attempts, presented in the table below.

Important Symbols:

  • Eligible : Indicates a document that was successfully submitted and approved by a supervisor.
  • Indicates An Review : Indicates a document that was submitted and is still awaiting approval from a supervisor. Click on the link located at the top of the window to review your request.
  • Declined : Indicates a document that was declined by a supervisor. Click on the link located at the top of the window to update your request.
  • Indicates An Invalidated : Indicates a document that was invalidated by a supervisor. You can click on the icon to view the note left by your supervisor for more information.
  • View Note : Button to view the note that was left with your submission request, if any.
  • Download Document : Button to download a copy of the document you included with your submission request, if any.


If you have an approval request currently pending, or if your request was declined, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click on the link in the message to access the page to modify the submission.


Documents (Side Menu) > Select a document

Memos History

To access the Memos History Page, click on Memos in the left navigation menu.

The page lists all your previously read memos. Click on a memo to access its content.


Memos (Side Menu)

Memo History

The page presents the memos's information and its attachments.


Memos (Side Menu) > Select a memo